Sunday, December 5, 2010

GCNE Meeting, 12-05-2010, The Loft

In attendance: Victor McSurely, Brad Hogg, Glenn Hughes. The rest of the circle is out due to various circumstances.

8 pm finds Victor and Brad beginning to swap out the speakers in the loft's PA system for the speakers that the circle will be using for the performance series (the plan is to experiment with quadrophonic sound, with the circle playing in the round). Glenn arrives shortly after, and we take the necessary time to tune and warm up.

Victor puts forward the question of "What would we play, were we to have a 35 minute set ready, right now?" Several pieces are mentioned, including Chrysanthemum. Victor and Glenn take a bit of time to review this piece and relearn some parts that haven't been played for a while. Thrak also gets a nod: how would we play it as a trio? This leads to Brad learning a separate part and retouching a part he'd already been playing, with some group work on the piece.

From here, we take an extended moment to actually properly run a short set, which roughly consists of (no particular order):

Growing Circle
Intergalactic Boogie Express
Derailed at the Junction
Flying Home
Where is the Nurse?

This lasts around 35 minutes, after which we take a break and talk about dude stuff.

Following the break, we spend some time going over the Sunken Cathedral arrangement. With only three people of a desired seven, it's a little thin, but the section that we end up working on (bars 22 through 63 or so) allows us to at least look at a few of the parts and make some decisions about timing and preference for pick vs. fingers. Following all this, it's acknowledged that the meeting is done, and we call it a night at around 10:15 p.m.

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