Tuesday, November 30, 2010

GCNE Meeting 11-28-10

Victor, Alex, Chris, Rick, Dev, Brad, Glenn

Everyone has arrived at the loft by about ten minutes after eight o' clock. For the earlier circlers, there is some preliminary Calliope-ing and circulation.

Since there is a working date and location for an upcoming performance project, it seems appropriate to the group to consider the undertaking as imminent and to set aside guitars for a serious discussion addressing specifics. An inquiry into the availability of the individual circlers reveals that there will be only one full rehearsal before the group enters the space in January.

The first thread of discussion addresses the basic question, "what will the task be?" What time of day, and for how long? How much time for preparation will be needed? Will rehearsals be closed or open? A dispute breaks out over the role of refreshments.

The second consideration is promotion, the effort made by the group to become known in the world-at-large. There are a plentitude of radio connections with this group, and it is felt that the best application of these opportunities is toward the middle of the project, around early March, to capitalize on the energy of an established process; propagation via various content-hosting websites is discussed as an obvious recourse - names are named; the kind review of a reputable critic is somewhat wistfully brought up as a valuable asset, and again something felt to be more opportune later in the project than earlier; and posters, in the right places.

In connection with promotion, the question of having a recording is brought to trial. There is a general consensus that having a recording would be useful for promotional purposes, but its role in relation to the performance experience (i.e. an affirmative response to the common after-show request for a recording) is less clear; several options are discussed, including memory sticks with select cuts and a special bonus track.

The final question is in regard to what name the group will call itself by; the proposal of this question is followed by a peculiar silence. V has a strong sense about the present name, and the suggestion is made to consider naming the performance series instead.

R departs at 9:45, as does the rest of the group not long after at around 10:10.

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