Tuesday, December 14, 2010

GCNE Meeting/Rehearsal 12-12-10

Victor, Glenn, Brad, Rick, Dev, Chris

C sloshes in around 8:30 while the rest of the Circle Thraks, Circulates and Batracho's. With all arriving group members now present, a moment is taken to check sound using recently-acquired PA speakers.

With the performance series drawing near, V suggests that the group continue to run through repertoire, to refresh and to see how the Circle is faring with various pieces of the past, present and (later) future. It falls upon the late arrival to call the set:

Flying Home;
Prelude from Bach's WTC;
(an attempt is made to call Third Relation);
Love is Green (a few false takes required);
Bicycling to Afghanistan (with B on Bass and G sitting out to balance the sound);

The latter piece has a new bass part being introduced to it and is given special attention; D picks it up quickly and the full group is given a hearing, to general approval. V is confident to finally extend the arrangement to its scored length, though work is still needed.

Break at 9:54. During this time, it is noted that Martin B. gives excellent, if not bear-like, hugs.

Returning to practice, V expresses concern over persistent rushing (the unintentional speeding-up of tempo) that is present in the group's handling of pieces. In his experience, solid time comes from having a holistic vantage of the sequence in motion; for example, rather than having one's attention absorbed by the difficulty of a single passage or section, one is aware of all parts of the music while the action is taking place. To do this, he proffers, a part of the performer needs to be relaxed, regardless of the intensity of what is going on around (the 'point' of vantage, for instance).

Following this, the group dedicates some time to working through B's arrangement of Debussy's The Sunken Cathedral. Nobody is 'off-book' with this piece yet, and there is no complete recital of it. However, each section is addressed, and it seems promising that the arrangement will soon be on its feet.

To close the evening, Askesis! and a second hearing of Batrachomyomachy, with R counting in.

The meeting ends at 11:40.

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