Monday, November 1, 2010

GCNE Meeting/Rehearsal 10-31-10

Chris, Brad, Rick, Dev, Glenn

Most of the team has arrived by 7:35, and the PA is set up for the meeting which begins around 8:00.

There is one circulation to check levels, and a second circulation which continues into pass-to-the-person-of-your-choice, as G arrives. There is a short improv which occurs before G is seated, which begins quietly then bubbles dynamically, and then tapers away.

The team of the evening is gathered and seated by 8:17, and the meeting begins with a discussion which encompasses the status on finding a weekly space; logistics related to this, including budget and location; talk of alternative performance projects, including monthly performances and house concerts; the value and options of recording a demo; the challenges of a weekly performance, and the idea of having an extended-length rehearsal once a month. This talk lasts for about fifty minutes.

A question is then put on the table: "Is there anything anyone would like to work on?"

B's new arrangement is brought up as an option, but not everyone is prepared. It is decided that next week the group will aim to be familiar with the first nineteen bars, or approximately first page, of the piece. C announces that he has a new arrangement of his own, to be looked at in the near future.

C suggests Intergalactic Boogie Express as a piece which needs detail work. Per request, a slower play-through than has been normal recently. Following this, there is some section work and a faster reading. Much talk of pulse and the precarious split between the bass and leads, as well as feeling the triplets. B offers to count in a third take, which shows signs of improvement.

Next, D suggests Calliope, which is taken around performance tempo (88 BPM). Speeding up is noted, particularly in the "cowboy" section. Valuable dissection ensues, with some correcting of notes being played, to looping the main bass part with an ear toward playing the last note of each phrase more staccato. G offers advice to look at the phrase as it falls on a grid, seeing where notes are rhythmically on specific parts of the count.

G suggests Eye of the Needle, based on last Saturday's performance. There is one play-through which is felt to be "nice" by the players. C is given a note on the dynamic trajectory of the burbles, which can come out as a third voice as the harmony unfolds in the second F# section.

A break is called at 10:05, and lasts for about ten minutes.

The final piece to be looked at is Where's the Nurse, via R. Before launching into this, the finale is given a test run by the two lead players, and a needed adjustment in the mix is made. D confesses to his feeling duress under the gaze of B during this section, who for many months longed for D's part; a switch is made. Two play-throughs, with commentary on the dynamics of the melody section.

The meeting ends in silence at 10:38.

1 comment:

RM said...

An intense, overwhelming and life-changing silence that was shown the door all too soon.

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