Attending: Victor, Chris, Rick, Scott, Dev, Brad
The meeting opens with some necessary discussion about the status of the project, and where everyone stands on it. Good comments all around. This leads into a list-making session to decide what the primary list of repertoire will be, so that we can move on to some new food.
Asturias, Where is the Nurse?, and Calliope are the next trio to get the bump.
Moving into guitarizing. . . Victor leads calisthenics. About 10 minutes of "group looping".
Working on Nurse. A lot with this piece really stems from relating to the beat and time. Some disagreement on certain small but important points in the bass, but clarification is made. Lots of looping parts.
A break while Chris takes his leave for the night.
Back in the circle: Calliope. It needs work, certainly, but it *is* rusty. Victor makes some points about accent picking.
Some work with Asturias.
A couple of quiet circulations to close the night.
1 comment:
From my perspective, I found the comments to be neither good nor bad and the only "food" was the pumpkin pie that I brought.
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