Thursday, November 7, 2013

Thacher Music Room, 11-4-2013

Minutes by Dev

In attendance: Brad, Victor, Scott, Chris, Dev

We began with Victor leading calisthenics. Relaxing the left hand, going through each part of the hand. Victor set the metronome and we played on beat 1 of a 4-beat click. Over time, we added more notes, but always with the idea of burying the click and playing with full tone. We would periodically be reminded of relaxation. We progressed through some variations, eventually playing one note on each string while tapping our heads, moving around, etc. Some work on the Burbles and getting them to sit right in the "mix".

This led into work on Eye of the Needle. We played it through once, and then broke it down into sections. Various people played parts together, to more clearly hear what was going on. Scott was shown the idea of picking through the string and resting the pick on the adjacent string. Lots of work here on subtle but important musical ideas.

Victor discussed the idea of not "knowing", but "seeing".


Work on Voices of Ancient Children was next. A run-through, and then smaller groups. We spent some time on dynamics and also on when the "claw" part should re-enter after the "free melody" line of the lead.

It was almost time for Chris to leave, but we worked on Flying Home. Work with the basses on accenting the open D. The idea of letting the piece do the work. Victor discussed other traditions and practicing.


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