Monday, January 13, 2014

Thacher Music Room, 01-12-2014

Attending:  Chris, Dev, Victor, Rick, Brad

Opening the meeting at 7:15 with a circulation that moves to improv.  Clouds, a few blues licks, and some different areas explored.

After a pause, Calliope gets called, but is held for a moment while we retune.  Brad counts off, roughly around performance tempo, and it takes off from there.  Victor directs us to play it again at the same tempo, which we do.

Our work moves to King Metronome, and we play with a couple of different tempi, trying different things out, but we really dig in when Victor begins to have us dissecting the intro into beats, looping sections with rests, and really focusing on relaxing in the rests.  Moving from the first 5 notes of the intro (1 whole beat plus a downbeat), followed by a rest, and extending up to 9 notes, then 3 full beats, and then the entire intro.

The same thing comes about with the main melody in C.  This is potent work.

A break.

Digging back in, and then playing the entire piece several more times.  This is also looking to be our homework for the week.

Some final words for the night, and we take our leave around 9:30.

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