Thursday, November 8, 2012

Thacher Music Room, 11/4/2012

In attendance:  Victor, Brad, Glenn, Rick, Scott, Dev

This is largely anecdotal.

Dev running a bit late, but we begin without him with a full group improv.  After this, Victor asks what we've been working on; Scott mentions that he's been playing a few open mics (in NST, per request for clarification).  A call for a demonstration yields Radiohead's "I Might Be Wrong".

Some circulation work, and then a call to Dev to check on his progress.  With an ETA of 10-ish minutes, we elect to break and wait for Dev.

Dev arrives a short time later; once we've worked out a cabling issue, Dev delivers a short report on next year's Orchestra of Crafty Guitarists tour, and the progress with this so far.  A brief discussion regarding a weekend with Sandra Bain Cushman, as well.

Victor runs a sitting exercise with us.

Some work on Sigh and a Kiss, including teaching Scott some of the bass part.  Also, some general work with Peaches en Regalia (which is surprisingly bare, sans Chris).

A short silence to close the night.

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