Monday, July 23, 2012

Victor's house, 7/22/2012

In attendance:  Victor, Dev, Brad, Chris, Glenn

Dev running a bit late due to work.

Warming up with 5th Primary work (CMaj, 4th string, up to 12th fret and back).  Beginning on the slower side, around 80, and slowly increasing speed.  As we hit 88, Victor asks us to make a conscious effort to listen to the other players in the circle:  with one pass up and down the neck, listening to a player's sound directly as it's coming from the guitar, and on the next pass, listening to the whole sound and ambiance of the player.  On the next pass, move to the next person, and repeat the process.  Some comments about looking away from the neck.

Third Relation loop:  second Dm section, 1st Am section, F#m descending section, Am section, repeat.  Victor drills Brad on the Am section and makes a couple of suggestions.

Calliope, 1st Cmaj section loop.  Dividing Attention and counting as 4 bars of 3, followed by 6 bars of 4.  A full runthrough of the piece.  Victor suggests really digging in and observing how long we can hold our
attention, and what happens when we lose our attention (and why it keeps happening at a certain point).

A break.  Dev arrives.  A bit of discussion on genetics, and how far back they go, and how they can be followed.

Back in the circle, and with Dev, some circulation work.  High pitches to low pitches, and back again, key of C Natural Minor.  The primary rule is to make sure you are lower than the person before you (or higher, if you're climbing back up).  Several passes, with increasing speed.  Finally, an extended pass, with multiple traverses up and down and up again, stretching outside of the key.

Reaching back to an exercise we'd done in 2010:  each person takes a turn beginning/establishing an improv, and the rest of the circle has to figure out the tonic and join in.  Some discussion follows, about give and take, when to remain in one area and when to move on, and drama.

Revisiting The Guitarist Inside, extending the exercise.  It's suggested that we work with this as we can.

A final moment, and finishing for the night.

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