In attendance: Victor, Rick, Chris (scribe), Brad, Dev, Scott, Alex
8:25 - 10:10 PM
Rehearsal begins with work on an arrangement of a fugue from The Well-Tempered Clavier. First it is necessary for the group to officially determine its seating order; once this is settled scores are distributed and the individual members take a collective moment to learn a few of their parts. Gathered again, and with metronome in tow, an attempt is made at the full 27-bar piece. A couple of strategies are employed following this: first, to work on only small sections at a time; and second, to take the tempo down. The first goal is bar 14, where there is a perceptible breath in the music. However, even this proves too much at first, and the group scales its efforts back to bar 8, before some focused work on bars 6-9. This eventually leads back to bar 14, which is considered a sufficient-enough accomplishment for the evening's work on the piece.
Next up the group revisits Jessica as a repertoire idea. Parts are tested and delegated in the context of the full group, and musings are had for possibilites of a full arrangement, including how to abridge the piano and guitar solo sections. A correct score for the "head" of the arrangement is also needed.
The same full-group treatment is given to Overworld 2. There are a few decisions regarding orchestration made on-the-fly, while most of the work is devoted to the cascading second section of the "chorus". These bars are drilled many times consecutively before a few more attempts from the top.
Some closing remarks regarding La Cathedrale Engloutie and Opening before dismissing.
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