Tuesday, October 12, 2010

GCNE Meeting, 10-08-2010, The Loft

In attendance: full company, with Victor McSurely, Chris Paquette, Glenn Hughes, Dev Ray, Rick McCarthy, Brad Hogg, Alex Lahoski.

Rick, Brad, the Connecticut contingent, and Victor all arrive at the loft at roughly 7:30, and begin to warm up in the circle at about 7:45 with some circulation. Shortly after we begin, the doorbell rings once, letting Glenn up the stairs. Dev follows shortly after, and both join in as they are able.

After 45 minutes of circulation and improvisation, Victor calls Where is the Nurse?, Growing Circle, and Intergalactic Boogie Express, to check in with these pieces. Afterward, he puts forwards some comments about working with rising energies in an improvisation or otherwise, and then suggests work on Opening. Since the basses need to visit their own circulation (now at 3 people), the leads choose to go out to the hall and work on Love is Green. Dev, having no current part on this piece, opts to work on Batrachomyomachy in the next room over.

Roughly 15 minutes later, the leads come back into the loft, with Dev in tow. They run through Love is Green, and then the Opening team opens an inquiry into Opening. The first section is up to snuff, so we run this section a few times. After this, Alex and Brad take to the hall to work on the second section. While they are out there, the rest of the team tackles Calliope, focusing on the bass part (since the leads got such a workout the week before). On Alex and Brad's return, the team runs the 1st and 2nd sections of opening as a dual 3-person circulation, with some degree of success.

Following this, Brad begins to present an arrangement he's been working on for the circle--this is postponed, as it seems to be more appropriate to send out the files to the circle when it's completely finished. With this, there is some discussion regarding the gig that is coming up in two weeks, and we close the night at around 11 p.m. From here on out, Chris Paquette will be assuming minutes duties for each week's meeting.

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