Monday, June 21, 2010

GCNE Meeting, 06-20-2010, The Loft

In attendance: Victor McSurely, Rick McCarthy, Chris Paquette, Brad Hogg, Glenn Hughes, Alex Lahoski, Dev Ray (late due to a cross-ocean familial ambush!).

No notes taken during the meeting, so this will be mostly anecdotal. Quite hot, and just starting to get a little dim at about a quarter to 8 when we started. Started out with a warm-up presented by Glenn as a way of working through the modes by using a descending tritone pattern, and the relation of the tritone to its place in each mode. Interesting way to look at them, and a useful way to hear the place of tension in each mode. Moved on to identifying modes by ear, as they are played, and responding in the correct mode.

Continuing on, we reapproached some repertoire that we haven't worked for a while. Askesis, Third Relation, Growing Circle (at this point, we turned the lights on, which helped), Opening (this may not approach the three-seat bass circulation in time for the gig, but we're still hoping), the Prelude Circulation, and Batrachomyomachy. Some counting issues still, but nothing that some personal practice won't fix. With this, a break.

Back in the circle, we take on the last parts of MHB, which include all the harmony and ornamentation parts. Though the tradition has been for everyone to know all parts, and trade off throughout the piece, we're choosing to stick with assigned parts for the sake of the gig coming up. A couple of runthroughs, and a long moment of silence.

With this, Victor presents the pentad of the guitar circle (as it applies to our work). Things to consider. Meeting closes at about 11 p.m. or so.

1 comment:

RM said...

A great meeting and a great job of notes-less minutes, Brad.

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