Monday, September 28, 2009

GCNE Meeting, 09-27-2009, "The Loft"

This account will also be anecdotal in nature.

Meeting was begun at roughly 7:40pm in silence. In attendance: Victor McSurely, Glenn Hughes, Chris Paquette, Rick McCarthy, and Brad Hogg.

As a warm-up, we began with the 16-bar exercise--this was played for roughly 10-12 minutes. Leading from this, we then looked at a particular piece that will be on the setlist of the October gig, looking only at the intro. The triplet circulation was split up between Victor, Chris, and Glenn, with Rick and Brad taking on bass duties. Continuing on to Third Relation, we then worked with this for a bit, playing it through once or twice, followed by fairly intensive spot work on tightening up certain sections (the middle section and outro in particular, with an eye on bringing out the "dancing" polyrhythms).

This was followed by work with Eye of the Needle, addressing some minor issues of volume differences, and then breaking for a short period. After the break, instead of working out logistical issues of self-advertisement for the gig, we spent some time learning Growing Circle. This was played first by Glenn, Victor, and Chris; we then all learned the bass part. Rick and Brad took on the bass part "for keeps".

After playing through it twice (and once more on the ending for Brad), the Circle then worked out some small but important issues: updating the homepage for GCNE, selecting a minute-taker, updating the Myspace page and uploading recordings, creating a facebook group, and a couple of other small items. Ending in silence at roughly 10:15, we tore down and bid each other adieu for the night.


pcpaki said...

My best to your beginnings, and continuations!

Bradley said...

Many thanks. -Brad

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